
Showing posts from January, 2021

Quantum Computing

I think technology works at once more because it's growing and changing so fast that it overcomes us. The pace of technological progress—especially information technology—speeds up exponentially over time because there's a standard force driving it forward. A decade ago, smartphones didn’t exist. Three decades earlier, nobody even owned a computer. Believe that—the first personal computers arrived about 40 years ago. Today, it seems nearly most are gazing at a glowing, handheld compute. Today’s computers— in theory and in practice—are based on classical physics and the term q uantum computation investigates the computational power and other properties of computers based on quantum-mechanical principles. An important objective is to find quantum algorithms is faster than any classical algorithm solving the same problem. Superposition and entanglement? t’s okay to be a touch baffled by these concepts, since we don’t experience them in our day-to-day lives. It’s only you check out

Why to choose UI / UX as a career option ?

Many of the youngsters specially those who are in their twenties choose their career in the leading technologies such as Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning & many more but are you aware about the most successful career option ? Do you know anything about the designing ? Don’t worry lets understand these designing technologies in deep so let’s start. I am talking about two leading designing technologies . A ccording to a source, there were over 50 ,000 highly paid job openings per year in India. Let’s dive more deep into the topic. I know that you are thinking that both UI / UX are interrelated even UI design and UX design are two of the most often confused and conflated terms in web and app design but that’s not true. Actually UI design stands for User Interface and UX design stands for User Experience. UI is a graphical layout an application whereas user’s experience of the app or a web is determined by how they interact with it.   "UX Makes Interfaces Useful,